The role of the International Criminal Court in the protection of human rights (1998-2018)

  • أ.د إيمان عزبي فريحات جامعة العلوم التطبقية الخاصة


: The study aimed to analyze the reality and nature of the roles of the International Criminal Court in protecting human rights at the international level, and to validate the hypothesis and to answer its questions. The institutional legal approach, An analytical descriptive approach has been used, and the study has reached many results, the most important of which is the statute of the International Criminal Court It dealt with human rights violations in the same framework that was mentioned in Article (1) of the Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Humanity, but it was included under the name of crimes against humanity and not as violations of human rights, and the study recommended that the role of the Security Council in its relationship with the International Criminal Court should be curtailed even Political considerations do not overshadow the work of the court, which must achieve real, not selective, justice, and implement measures that must be taken against countries that do not comply with court decisions to ensure their implementation.

Keywords: International Criminal Court, Protection, Human Right.


How to Cite
عزبي فريحاتأ. إ. (2021). The role of the International Criminal Court in the protection of human rights (1998-2018). Jordan Journal of Applied Science-Humanities Series, 29(1).