The Impact of the Customary on Achieving the Definition of Receivable and its Applications in the Contemporary Financial Transactions

  • د. محمد محمود أحمد الطرايرة جامعة العلوم التطبيقية الخاصة


Praise be to Allah, and may peace and prayers be upon his Prophet Mohammed,

This research is entitled " The Impact of the Customary on Achieving the Definition of Receivable and its Applications in the Contemporary Financial Transactions". The Researcher sheds the light on three major points; the concept of customary and its authority and conditions of consideration, the receivable concept and its procedure and impact in contracts, and the impact of customary in achieving the definition of recievable and its applications in the contemporary financial transactions.

This research aims to discover to what limit the receivable is based onto the customary, and apply this on many applications that are conducted by the Islamic banking corporations in order to investigate whether there is customary involved in this matter.

The Researcher concluded that there are transactions in which would be appropriate to involve receivable. The customary leads to accomplish it with the existence of its effects. Also, there are transactions need a jurisprudential and scientific control closer to the established regulations.

The research included conclusion and indexes.

Keywords: arrest, custom, financial transactions, jurisprudence, jurisprudence.

How to Cite
محمود أحمد الطرايرةد. م. (2021). The Impact of the Customary on Achieving the Definition of Receivable and its Applications in the Contemporary Financial Transactions. Jordan Journal of Applied Science-Humanities Series, 29(1).